Etiqueta del plugin: disable REST API
WPControl – The Easiest Optimization Plugin for WordPress
(2 total de valoraciones)The easiest way to improve your website's security, performance, and user experience.
(0 total de valoraciones)Prevents unauthorized requests from using the WP REST API.
Server Response
(0 total de valoraciones)Поможет вам скорректировать заголовки ответа сервера и отключить REST API.
Disable Settings For WP
(0 total de valoraciones)Disable Settings For WP is a WordPress plugin that allows you to disable right-click functionality, REST API and hide the admin bar in your WordPress …
Disable Services Manager
(0 total de valoraciones)A powerful tool is available to help you disable unused services on your site, providing protection against spammers and enhancing overall website sec …