Etiqueta del plugin: gravatar
Ozh' Avatar Popup
(0 total de valoraciones)Add CSS popups next to mailto links or next to any word. Can be any custom image, and has gravatar support.
Avatar Tooltip
(1 total de valoraciones)To show a tooltip with info (member info and Gravatar profile) when you mouseover/click on an avatar.
Users List Widget
(0 total de valoraciones)Easily display your WordPress users name on wordpress website.
Me Widget
(0 total de valoraciones)Provides a simple way to incorporate and customize your Gravatar profile in a easy to style widget.
Gravatar Sign Up Link
(0 total de valoraciones)Adds a Gravatar link to your comment area. Help your visitors establish their identity!
(0 total de valoraciones)Use avatars from services like Gravatar and MyBlogLog in your posts, comments and pingbacks
Member Gravatars
(0 total de valoraciones)Shortcode that is displays gravatars of users in your site.
Hikari Unicornified Gravatars
(0 total de valoraciones)Hikari Unicornified Gravatars converts avatars from people that don't have a Gravatar, into customized unicorns.
MoeNet Public CDN
(1 total de valoraciones)This is a CDN of static resources which is blocked by GFW in China Mainland.
Better Avatars
(1 total de valoraciones)Replace empty Gravatars with profile images from Facebook, Twitter, or Gmail
BuddyPress Improved: disable Gravatar
(0 total de valoraciones)Simple and lightweight plugin to disable Gravatar fallback when profile picture is missing on BuddyPress, for better privacy without third-party reque …
Gmail Like Gravatar Fallback
(2 total de valoraciones)Gmail Like Gravatar Fallback plugin converts default Gravatar into Gmail App like Gravatar.
(0 total de valoraciones)Easily embed links to wikipedia topics, amazon book sales, php documentation, and more with [ln linktype]topic[/ln].
RoboHash Default Avatar
(0 total de valoraciones)The RoboHash default avatar is not yet available for selection as a default avatar, As I like this generated avatar the most of I thought it would be …
BJH Website Assistant
(1 total de valoraciones)The WordPress plugin that provides small functions to help your website working better.
Favicon Images for Comments
(0 total de valoraciones)Favicon Images for WordPress Comments lets you add favicons next to your blog comments using the site URL of the commentator.
Add New Default Avatar [Emrikol's Fork]
(1 total de valoraciones)This is my version of trepmal's "Add New Default Avatar" plugin. It has a few more features which I was looking for.