Etiqueta del plugin: link
(0 total de valoraciones)Effortlessly manage, track, and optimize affiliate links 🔗 and brands 💼 with comprehensive analytics 📈, all within your WordPress site. 🚀
Plugin Name: RubSum Social Links
(0 total de valoraciones)Easy to use RubSum Social Links plugin for your website.
Redirect to Latest Post
(0 total de valoraciones)Create a custom URL that redirects to your latest post.
RacyDev Linky – Monetize your link
(2 total de valoraciones)The most effective link monetized wp plugin. Put ad as much as you want, set a timer before the link is revealed. Generate revenue more than anytime.
Installus links
(1 total de valoraciones)Download the Installus links to automatically replace .exe or .zip links to partner code of
WAJ Links
(0 total de valoraciones)Way to mo'-easily create links o' various types in content through PHP & shortcodes.
Affiliate Links Cloaking
(0 total de valoraciones)Real working plugin for cloak links from search engines.
Customize Share API
(0 total de valoraciones)In the back-end, you as a website owner can type any URL that you want the visitor to share with their facebook friends. A modal window will show up i …
(0 total de valoraciones)wpToWikipedia crea un widget che inserisce un link a wikipedia relativo al titolo dell'articolo, cerca ossia il titolo su wikipedia.
Relevant Social URL
(0 total de valoraciones)Allows to associate a social media post URL with each post, and optionally to display a link to it in the frontend.
AffiliAmaze – Affiliate Linker
(0 total de valoraciones)AffiliAmaze helps you promote affiliate products on your WordPress site using a simple shortcode interface.
Download Panel (Biggiko Team)
(0 total de valoraciones)Для чего? Добавляет плавающую панель внизу сайта.
Secure Link for Nginx
(0 total de valoraciones)Secure Link for Nginx is a shortcode plugin for Wordpress to embed hash code for links/files that want to be protected
- – Multiple bio links
(0 total de valoraciones) is a tools to make a bio link with multiple links. You can use your bio link as Instagram bio link or other social networks like Telegram, Fac …
Universal Link in bio
(1 total de valoraciones)Tired of changing your bio link ? This plugin is for you.
Remove more
(0 total de valoraciones)В WordPress, при разделении записи с помощью тега "Далее" страница обрезается и ссылка на вторую часть поста имеет атрибут /#more.
WP Link Manager
(0 total de valoraciones)Wordpress plugin to create pretty and short link based on your site URL for external (or internal) ugly links