WP Theater provides shortcodes for integrating YouTube and Vimeo video embeds and feeds into your posts or widgets. Some options include traditional embedding, single video previews, a wrapped “Theater” embed, and video listings from playlists, channels, albums and groups. WP Theater was built with developers in mind, those who need flexibility. With that said, great effort was put into making sure this plugin stayed simple.
- Current version tested on WordPress version 3.9 and later.
- PHP 5.3 or later with cURL
For parameters and their usage please visit:
Boring Embed – The classic
Preview – Thumbnail and title of a single video
Theater – Traditional embed that’s wrapped for styling, has optional Lower Lights and Full Window buttons, and is responsive.
The following contain a “theater” by default
User – Listing of a user’s videos
// for YouTube's v3 API see FAQ about user uploads vs playlists.
Channel – Listing of videos from a specific channel
Playlist – Listing of videos from a user’s playlist
Album – Listing of videos from a specific album
Group – Listing of videos from a specific group
Developer FAQ
How can I customize the output
Filters exist that can handle complete customization of the output. Written as “Filter_Hook” ($callback_params … )
Display — Override built in output
- “wp_theater-pre_video_shortcode” ( FALSE, $feed, $atts )
- “wp_theater-pre_theater” ( FALSE, $atts, $content, $tag )
- “wp_theater-pre_video_preview” ( FALSE, $video, $atts, $selected )
- “wp_theater-format_params” ( $atts, $content, $tag )
API Feeds — Override built in api request and parsing. NOTE: Keep in mind that these filters will only be called when the transient cache is updated.
- “wp_theater-pre_get_request_url” ( FALSE, $atts, $request, $output )
- “wp_theater-parse_{$service}_response” ( $out, $response, $atts) // v1.1.3
- “wp_theater-section_title” ( $title )
- “wp_theater-video_title” ( $title )
- “wp_theater-{$service}_more_url” ( FALSE, $atts, $data ) // v1.1.4
- “wp_theater-get_preset” ( $name )
- “wp_theater-set_preset” ( $arr, $name )
How do I add my own preset?
The following code will create a preset named “my_preset”. We do not currently, but are planning to, offer a method of saving presets to the database so that they stick around between theme’s.
function my_preset_init ($presets) {
$presets->set_preset( 'my_preset', shortcode_atts( $presets->get_preset( 'youtube' ), array(
'embed_width' => 342,
'embed_height' => 192,
'max' => 9,
) ) );
add_shortcode( 'my_preset', array( WP_Theater::$shortcodes, 'video_shortcode' ) );
add_action('wp_theater-shortcodes_init', 'my_preset_init');
What values can I define in presets
Listed below are all of the possible settings you can define in a preset with their base values
// general options
'preset' => '',
'service' => '',
'mode' => 'embed',
'id' => '',
'embed_width' => FALSE,
'embed_height' => FALSE,
'class' => '',
'cache' => FALSE,
// preview & listing options
'img_size' => 'medium',
'columns' => 3,
'max' => 12,
'autoplay_onclick' => TRUE,
// Title options
'show_title' => TRUE,
'show_video_title' => TRUE,
'title' => '',
// More link options
'show_more_link' => TRUE,
'more_url' => FALSE,
'more_text' => FALSE,
// Theater options
'show_theater' => TRUE,
'theater_id' => FALSE,
'show_fullwindow' => FALSE,
'show_lowerlights' => FALSE,
'keep_ratio' => TRUE,
'iframe_placeholder' = > TRUE // since 1.2.0
// can only be defined in presets
'modes' => array(), // the modes array with matching link formats
'classes' => array( // the classes to apply to their respective elements
'section' => 'entry-section wp-theater-section %service%',
'theater' => 'wp-theater-bigscreen',
'embed' => 'wp-theater-iframe',
'list' => 'wp-theater-listing',
'preview' => 'video-preview'
How can I modify the embed url?
Each preset requires a modes array to store the different link formats used. You can directly access and modify these yourself through a theme’s functions.php.
// make youtube embed with https and
function my_preset_init ($presets) {
$youtube_preset = $presets->get_preset( 'youtube' );
$youtube_preset['modes']['embed'] = '';
$presets->set_preset( 'youtube', $youtube_preset );
add_action('wp_theater-shortcodes_init', 'my_preset_init');
NOTE: Each mode URL must have %id% in the place of the id. And, it’s a bit dumb but, for now you must include at least one query parameter in an embed’s url.
What do the formatted feeds look like?
Vimeo’s feed will return exactly what their API states except we merge their info and video requests into one and clone values to help normalize the feeds. Youtube on the other hand is almost completely reformatted into a format based on Vimeo’s
You can count on the full feeds returning the following content with an exception being that single preview feeds do not have the feed title or url.
Also, with YouTube’s v3 API enabled, rating, likeCount and viewCount will always be empty strings since you must use OAuth2 and be a verified content owner:
'title' => string
'url' => string
'videos' => array
0 => object
'title' => string
'id' => string
'url' => string
'upload_date' => string
'description' => string
'category' => string
'duration' => string
'rating' => string
'likeCount' => string
'viewCount' => string
'width' => string
'height' => string
'thumbnails' => array
'small' => string
'medium' => string
'large' => string
'cover' => string // since 1.2.0 -- set to the largest available image.
- How can I futher customize this plugin
Please check the Other Notes section for futher development information.
- When using YouTube’s v3 API, why does my user name not work anymore for user modes?
This is to avoid an extra request from YouTube. Since YouTube automatically does a Uploads playlist, it is much easier to use that instead. So for v3, user and playlist modes are identical except for the titles.
To find your uploads playlist go to your user’s channel and hover over the Uploads section (not menu button). A play button will appear that links to your uploads playlist. Odd, I know. A bit of a PITA, I know.
- Can I use this plugin to show private content from my YouTube or Vimeo account?
No, this plugin will only show publically available content. It will skip any videos that are not publicly embeddable, even password protected videos. If you need this feature now then you are looking for a plugin that requires OAuth2 credentials from that service.
- Can I get single previews to display in the theater when clicked?
Not right now. Single previews, e.g. , are really only meant as a nice way to link to a video or for use with a popup.
- Can I build a listing from multiple video IDs, e.g. ?
Not for now, we suggest using playlists, albums or channels for this task. Benifits of both are the ability to add another user’s video as well as adding and reordering them directly from YouTube or Vimeo.
- The autoscrolling is going behind my fixed header. How can I fix this
This is a stretch of this plugins scope but there is a possible fix. We followed TwentyFourteens method of the body element having a “masthead-fixed” class and the main header must have either an id of “masthead” or class of “site-header”.
- What settings can be changed?
Outside of the shortcode’s parameters there are settings for you to disable the loaded assets as well setting cache expirations, if used.
- Use Default CSS – You can choose to disable the built in CSS file so that you can write your own.
- Use Default Genericons – You can choose to disable the Genericons fallback CSS file. You should only disable the Genericons if you’ve also disabled the CSS file as the characters/icons are currently hardcoded. WP Theater’s genericons will not load if genericons are already enqueued.
- Use Default JS – You can choose to disable the built in JS file so that you can write your own.
- Cache Expiration – Feeds are cached using the Transient API and this will set the expiration. A value of 0 (zero) will bypass ALL caching.
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Registro de cambios
1.2.3 (4/26/2015)
- Added notification for dealing with the YouTube’s v3 ugrade issue.
- Fixed missing icons due to character code changes in Genericons by switching to a (semi) custom icons font and merged the css into one file.
- Fixed video listings margins and inheritance.
- Fixed issue where updating the plugin settings would delete the version number and cause an unexpected output error during activation as well as resetting all plugin settings
- Updated styling to compensate for the admin bar, when present.
1.2.0 (4/22/2015)
- Added settings to enable YouTube’s v3 API.
- Added setting to disable the default and shortcodes for better compatability (use [wptheater vimeo] or [wptheater youtube] insead).
- Added option to use an
image for playlist, user, group, album or channel modes (default: TRUE). More testing is needed before offering the same for stand alone embeds and theaters. - Fixed errors when using a user’s uploads as a playlist in YouTube’s v2 API.
- Fixed instances where lower lights and full window wouldn’t appear.
- Updated styling for fully responsive iframes without JavaScript and tweaked the full window overlay. Custom styling from previous versions may not be targeted correctly in this version.
- Updated column responsiveness to only break at 480px into two columns.
- Partial & temp fix for genericon issues where character codes have changed across different versions. Will be switching to SVG & fallback images in the future due to this issue.
1.1.5 (6/02/2014)
- Fixed bug with YouTube more links.
- Fixed bug where cache setting was ignored.
1.1.4 (5/18/2014)
- Added support for Vimeo Albums.
- Added/fixed medium sized YouTube thumbnails.
- Added classes preset variable to contain all classes used and accept placeholders for %service%, %mode% and %preset%. NOTE: Service, mode and preset classes are no longer added by default to reduce the default html to text ratio.
- Added wp_theater-{$service}_more_url filter. All internal handling of more link urls are done through this filter (extensible services pt. 2a)
- Fixed PHP and cURL activation check… If not, I’m snapping a(nother) keyboard.
- Fixed error when YouTube ratings and likes data are blocked for a video.
- Fixed cache shorthand parameter and updated default to not cache.
- Fixed previews from remaining selected or being selected initially when no theater(embed) is present or when using theater_id.
- Updated solo previews so they display inside a figure element with a figcaption wrapped title.
- Updated theater_id to cause listings to hide their theater.
- Updated more_link to not carry a nofollow rel value.
- Updated capture_no_value_atts to accept all regestered modes and services. (extensible services pt. 2b)
- Updated autoscrolling to also check for the first .site-header if #masthead doesn’t exist.
- Removed wp_theater-pre_get_api_data filter for the time being — useless and a security threat.
- Removed wp_theater-capture_no_value_atts filter for being useless
- Removed wp_theater-pre_get_more_link filter for being useless
- Updated transients to reset when the plugin is updated by adding a plugin_version variable to the API data.
- Misc cleanup and speedup.
1.1.3 (2/12/2014)
- Fixed PHP 5.4 compatibility
- Fixed PHP and cURL activation check.
- Fixed shortcode_atts call to include the tag name.
- Fixed autoscroll for themes that apply a masthead-fixed class and when the adminbar is there.
- Fixed embeds so they make use of $content_width, are generated around that ratio, and don’t rely on a iframe{width:100%} style.
- Added back in embed_width and embed_height parameters — these will take priority but the plugin will handle fine without them.
- Enabled transient cache + final fix for transient names exceeding max characters for multisite and non-multisite WP installs
- Added option for disabling transient cache per shortcode usage with cache and dont_cache parameters.
- Removed ‘wp_theater-pre_parse_feed’ filter
- Added ‘wp_theater-parse_{$service}_response’ filter — all internal parsing is now done through this filter. (extensible services pt. 1)
- Updated ‘wp_theater-pre_get_api_data’ filter to be applied after the get_request_url and added the $request_url as a parameter to get_request_url
- Removed most instances of static text to reduce the need for front-end translations. (translations pt. 1)
1.1.2 (12/11/2013)
- Fixed transient names exceeding the 45 character limit.
- Fixed transient cache to bypass cached data when that data is malformed. Usually caused by special characters in a video’s description — hearts etc.)
- Fixed shorthand paramaters dont_keep_ratio and dont_autoplay_onclick to work as expected.
- Fixed shorthand columns parameters — 1cols, 2cols 3cols, etc.
1.1.0 (10/17/2013)
- Fixed instances where private YouTube videos would cause an error.
- Fixed embed_width and embed_height to use feed data when set to FALSE. (Updated default to: FALSE with a 640×360 fallback)
- Updated use-specific class names to contain a prefix in order to avoid duplicates and inheritance conflicts. e.g. “service-youtube mode-channel preset-youtube” instead of just “youtube channel youtube”.
- Updated feed link rel attributes to carry an “external nofollow” value.
- Added columns parameter to set how many videos should be in a row. (range: 1-6, default: 3)
- Added some responsiveness to the columns. All columns break to two column at 480px and single column at 320px.
- Added keep_ratio parameter to let JS keep embeds in their correct aspect ratio. (Default: TRUE) NOTE: This does not track traditional embeds, only theater embeds.
- Added error notices as html comments in place of the shortcode if it fails. e.g. `‘
- Added PHP version and cURL check upon activation
- Added admin notice upon activation to subtly hint towards –> DONATING!!! <— … subtle, huh?
- Removed the clear class from a section’s footer element to avoid inheritance conflicts.
- Misc other tweaks to improve code — mostly styling.
1.0.9 (10/08/2013)
- Fixed class parameter so it is applied to previews when the mode is preview.
- Fixed class parameter so it is not applied to multiple elements, just the leading parent element for a given mode.
- Added the preset name as a class for the section, theater and preview.
- Added classes array parameter for presets to define default classes for the different areas — section, theater, embed, list and preview, when used.
1.0.8 (09/17/2013)
- Fixed validation of modes’ link formats against requested mode
- Fixed instance where embeds would get query params added which are only meant for API requests
- Fixed WP Theater’s version of shortcode_atts, which removes the filter hook, to only be used when setting up presets
- Removed plugin related constants in favor of class variables
- Added screenshot
1.0.7 (09/16/2013)
- Added autoplay_onclick parameter (default: TRUE)
- Fixed CSS & JS assets so they load only when the shortcode is in use
- Fixed videos so they get trimmed to $max after caching instead of before.
- Fixed auto scrolling to only happen if the theater is not in view
- Fixed lower lights so they don’t keep adding an element on IE8
- Removed the useless [video] shortcode as it conflicts with WP’s built in shortcode by the same name
- Removed admin files from being included when on the front-end and vice versa
- Removed style coloring on links so a theme’s styles take priority
1.0.5 (09/14/2013)
- Enabled setting for transient cache expiration (default is 4 hrs. — 14400 seconds)
1.0 (09/13/2013)
- Initial Release