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  • Versión 1.0.9
  • Última actualización 18 de marzo de 2023
  • Instalaciones activas 100+
  • Versión de WordPress 4.7
  • Versión de PHP 7.0

Ananya is easy to customize, fully responsive and translation ready WordPress theme. The theme is well suited for business, travel, food, personal, fashion or any other blogging websites. Make your business or story telling website unique with a unique header image or a header video and further customizing it with custom background color, custom accent color, custom menu, social menu and other theme options. The theme is responsive and mobile friendly and looks great on all devices. The theme is translation ready and can be translated in any language. The theme also support RTL languages like Arabic.

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Instalaciones activas: 100+


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Este tema está disponible en los siguientes idiomas: English (US).

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