

Todos los temas

Zubin Music

Zubin Music

Este es un tema hijo de Zubin.

  • Versión 1.2.2
  • Última actualización 13 de junio de 2024
  • Instalaciones activas 400+
  • Versión de WordPress 5.6
  • Versión de PHP 5.6

Zubin Music is a free multipurpose Music WordPress theme with a dark style option for an extra aesthetic look. The theme is ideal for musicians, bands, artists, and other creative minds. It is a child theme of Zubin, a responsive Multipurpose WP theme. Being a child theme, Zubin Music inherits all its core features from the parent theme. However, Zubin Music specializes in musical sites and industries related. The design in Zubin Music is keen to showcase every aspect of your music. It uses Live Customizer for building content purposes and the responsiveness makes your site adaptable to all screen sizes. You will find features like Sticky Playlist, Hero Content, Dark Style, Portfolio, Boxed Header Width, Featured Content, Services, Featured Slider, Testimonials, Header Media, and more in this theme. Online shopping gets done with the WooCommerce plugin compatibility. The layout is available in both dark and light. All of the features in Zubin Music are fully responsive, customizable, and easy to use. Make your music site bold, beautiful, and youthful with Zubin Music! For more information, check out Theme Instructions at https://catchthemes.com/themes/zubin-music/#theme-instructions and Demo at https://catchthemes.com/demo/zubin-music/

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