Etiqueta del plugin: hello
Hello World
(0 total de valoraciones)Similar to "Hello Dolly", this plugin lets you choose from some lyrics files, of which one line is shown in your dashboard on every page load.
Remove Page Title From Elementor Pages by Default
(0 total de valoraciones)Remove the page title from all Elementor pages by default while using the Hello theme without the need to manually do it on every single page.
Success Quotes
(1 total de valoraciones)Need some inspiration? When activated Success Quotes plugin will show random success quotes in the top of your Wordpress admin page.
Alex Set Favicon
(2 total de valoraciones)Alex Set Favicon allows any user to easily set and update their favicon. See for help
The Dude
(7 total de valoraciones)That, or His Dudeness… Duder… or El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing.
Custom Dolly
(0 total de valoraciones)Based on the famous Hello Dolly plugin, Custom Dolly allows you to use any song you like (or speech, film, play or anything else).
Hello Darth
(1 total de valoraciones)This little plugin is in homage to my geek friends who love to hate Lord Vader.
Hello Stranger Things
(1 total de valoraciones)Este es un divertido plugin alternativa de Hello Dolly. ¡Se necesita toda la diversión de la serie Stranger Things!
Hello Kurt
(1 total de valoraciones)When activated you will randomly see a lyric from Smells Like Teen Spirit in the upper right of your admin screen on every page.
Hello Security
(2 total de valoraciones)Give your users security best practices tips directly on the dashboard.
Welcome Visitor
(0 total de valoraciones)Welcome-visitor is a wordpress plugin, which will welcome visitors help you to get more readers and more attention!
Hello Obi-Wan
(2 total de valoraciones)Not just a plugin, but a symbol of hope for an entire generation summed up famously by Obi-Wan: These are NOT the droids you're looking for.
Hello Bruce Campbell
(1 total de valoraciones)Displays a random Bruce Campbell TV show or movie quote in the upper right of your admin screen on every page.
Hello Positivity
(0 total de valoraciones)Created for those of us who need a mental boost now and again.
Hello Samuel L. Jackson
(3 total de valoraciones)This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the anger and aggression of an entire generation.
Hello Dolly Guaraná
(0 total de valoraciones)Uma sátira ao Hello Dolly, feita com o nosso famoso amiguinho. This is a brazilian meme, problably you dont will understand. Sorry. 😛